Your Guide to Newsroom CMS

Your Guide to Newsroom CMS

A newspaper CMS platform is crucial for publishing content online. Whether you are looking to migrate to another news CMS or are starting one, you must ensure that it covers the following tasks:

Efficient Publishing

A newspaper CMS can enhance the efficiency of publishing stories by enabling quick and easy submissions from reporters in the field. A mobile-friendly platform allows stories to be submitted and published within minutes, facilitating live reporting and breaking news coverage.

In addition, the newspaper CMS streamlines editorial workflow, allowing seamless collaboration among team members. Administrators can manage access restrictions for freelancers and team members, facilitating instant content production.

Moreover, the CMS empowers writers to schedule and publish stories across social channels, maximising coverage with minimal effort.

Content Personalisation and Analytics

Crafting content can be quite challenging, especially with the vast opportunities presented in the digital realm. Therefore, it’s crucial to utilise an editorial content management system that empowers you to integrate and modify diverse elements seamlessly to enrich your narratives. Incorporating unique components, story templates, and formats can mitigate the potential monotony of your website’s content.

A reliable publishing content management system should also furnish comprehensive story analytics directly on your dashboard. This feature enables you to monitor the progress and performance of individual stories or authors, thus facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing overall content strategy.

Maximising Revenue

One key factor for news and media websites to generate income is advertisements. Therefore, the seamless integration of ads into content is vital for success.

A successful newspaper CMS platform should offer effortless ad and subscription management, user-friendly interfaces, and a smooth subscription process with minimal payment obstacles. News websites can improve revenues and simplify ad management by implementing a solid paywall strategy and utilising tools such as DFP across all devices.

Seamless Integrations

Effective integrations are crucial for all content management systems. It’s essential to find a solution that smoothly integrates with other tools to assist you in reaching your content-related objectives. These integrations can significantly improve workflow, facilitate video streaming, and support monetisation efforts.

Furthermore, a top-quality newspaper CMS platform for news websites should be able to efficiently manage print and digital publishing within a single system. This unified approach centralises your publishing activities, making publishing content and implementing corrections easier.

Search Engine Optimisation

Ensuring that your content is easily found and that site visibility plays a key role in making this happen. Your site’s SEO ranking is critical in achieving this goal. While various CMSs offer different SEO features, you need a dependable online newspaper CMS that effectively assists with SEO and delivers precise SEO scores.

Here are the features you should look for in a Newspaper CMS

With numerous newspaper CMS platforms available, it can be challenging to choose the right one. Here are the key features when searching for the most robust newspaper CMS platform.”

User-friendly and intuitive interface

When selecting a news publishing CMS, it is vital to opt for a platform that provides a robust content creation and editing environment. This typically involves a drag-and-drop interface, enabling you and your team to effortlessly integrate various elements into your pages.

Moreover, it’s essential that making alterations to published content remains a quick and straightforward process, ensuring a seamless editing experience.

Design Choices

The newspaper CMS software should offer an extensive array of website design templates from which you can select. Additionally, it should provide the flexibility to customise these designs to suit your specific needs without coding. Furthermore, the newspaper CMS should serve as a unified platform, ensuring seamless collaboration and improved productivity amongst your team.

Data portability

When selecting a newspaper CMS platform, ensure that it offers data portability. This means that the platform should provide the necessary tools to export your data so that you can easily transfer it to another platform or hosting company if needed. Data portability allows you to move your data without hassle and explore other options without losing your original data.

Integrations and add-ons

When it comes to newspaper CMS platforms, it’s important to consider that not all websites have the same requirements. This challenges CMS platforms to cater to each website’s diverse needs.

Integrations and add-ons play a pivotal role in addressing this challenge. They offer the flexibility to easily incorporate additional features and functionalities into your newspaper CMS software. These extensions and add-ons are valuable tools to enhance and customise your newspaper CMS platform according to your specific needs by allowing for the seamless installation of various integrations.

Assistance and support resources

While newspaper CMS platforms strive to simplify website creation, you might still need clarification. If you encounter obstacles, explore the available help and support.

Some newspaper CMS providers offer FAQs and a customer service team with slow response times. Others boast an incredibly supportive community ready to assist you anytime, day or night. It’s your choice.

Consideration for your budget

Some newspaper CMS platforms include a free option, while others involve a monthly fee. Even with free news CMS platforms, third-party extensions, designs, and/or web hosting services may still be necessary.

To prevent unexpected surprises, it’s important to fully understand the pricing structure and the extent of services provided before deciding on your online newspaper CMS. This approach will help you derive the maximum value from your chosen platform and avoid unwelcome surprises.

Newspaper CMS Solutions Providers

Several options are available for choosing a reliable and cost-effective CMS for news websites. Here’s a rundown of the top 5 newspaper CMS solution providers:

  1. Quintype Publishing CMS: This headless CMS is designed for modern news publishers. It offers easy installation and essential features like live preview, content collections, omnichannel distribution, and SEO assessment. You can try the Quintype Newspaper CMS platform for free.

  2. Sanity: An open-source React-based CMS tailored for news publishers. Known for its extensible workflows, it facilitates building an editorial pipeline and allows extensive content customisation.

  3. Joomla: A popular and trusted CMS that powers numerous news websites. Joomla’s features can be customised using plugins, although some publishers may find it challenging due to limited documentation.

  4. WordPress VIP: While WordPress is widely recognised as a website builder and blogging platform, it also offers an enterprise-level newspaper CMS known as WordPress VIP. It is designed for media publishers and can seamlessly handle high traffic, making it ideal for large-scale news websites.

  5. Drupal: An open-source web content management framework with a long-standing history. Despite some outdated features, many publishers still favour Drupal due to its ease of installation, operation, and customisation.

Quintype as a newspaper CMS for digital newsrooms

Quintype’s Bold is a headless CMS tailored to meet the specific needs of digital newsrooms. It is designed to cater to publishers of all sizes and offers a smart platform that prioritises flexibility and security. With its intuitive interface and efficient workflow management, Bold ensures that media publishers can curate premium content seamlessly.

Quintype’s Bold CMS packs a comprehensive array of features, making it a suitable choice for any publisher. It seamlessly integrates with third-party systems and consistently introduces updates to stay ahead of industry trends.

The team at Quintype and Fiare ensures that Bold newspaper CMS provides a premium experience to all its clients. This means it is industry-approved and constantly subject to feedback from its network of publishers, allowing better performance rates, quicker maintenance, and functional upgrades.

Key Features of Quintype’s Bold Newspaper CMS

Quintype’s Bold CMS offers extensive features that streamline the news publishing process and significantly benefit digital news publishers. Some of the key features are:

  1. Cardified News Editor: The Bold editorial CMS allows users to shuffle between cards and elements or reuse a card, like slides in a presentation. It also allows easy management of metered content, ad placements, and paywalls.

  2. News Story Elements: The editor allows story elements such as CTA, galleries, and slideshows to enhance engagement and interaction with the news stories.

  3. Mobile Journalism: The Bold newspaper CMS allows editors to build templates for different story types, including breaking news, photo stories, videos, live blogs, and web/visual stories.

  4. Live News Coverage: It offers real-time updates automatically arranged in reverse order as the story completes.

  5. Live Story Previews & Version Tracking: Journalists can visualise stories as they build on desktop or mobile screens. They can also view or restore any version from the story timeline.

  6. Hyperlocal News & Personalisation: Editors can recommend news stories based on user-selected preferences or location.

  7. Optimised Images: Images uploaded on the CMS are auto-resised to fit any screen or cropped based on a focus area chosen by the editorial teams.

  8. Built-in Image Processor & Editor: Journalists can edit images directly within the CMS for any channel or device.

  9. Alternate Images and Headlines: Journalists can make their stories stand out with different images and headlines across multiple channels.

  10. Curate Collections: The CMS allows the creation of content bundles dynamically via rules or manual override with selected stories.

  11. Sorting and Ranking: It provides easy drag-and-drop editorial sorting and ranking for home and listing pages.

  12. Efficient Categorisation: Stories are categorised using tags, attributes, entities, and sections.

  13. Customisable Workflows: The CMS lets you customise your news workflow according to your team size and editorial needs.

  14. Newsroom Efficiency: It provides integrations for spell-check, plagiarism checks, and webhooks to communicate with third-party systems.

  15. Editorial Planning: Editors can use internal planning tools to track content projects.

  16. Access Management: Editors can assign roles, permissions, and teams to manage users and external authors.

  17. Reports & Analytics: It provides data-driven insights into story, author, and section performance.

  18. SEO Validations: It offers on-page SEO validation with recommendations for meta tag errors, keyword density, media errors, and more.

  19. Omnichannel Distribution: The CMS helps in omnichannel distribution with configurable settings for every distribution channel.

  20. Print Integration: It provides webhooks and attributes to enable content flow to external systems and allows integration with existing DAM / MAM solutions.

  21. News Aggregators: It enables news editors to maximise the reach of their content to a wider audience with out-of-the-box integrations for news aggregators.

  22. Syndication & Newswires: The CMS provides a two-way syndication engine for content sharing and wire-feed integrations.

This comprehensive list highlights the powerful capabilities of Quintype’s Bold Newspaper CMS in enhancing the digital news publishing process.

Bold newspaper CMS empowers publishers to create, distribute, and monetise content effortlessly. It offers a scalable solution that supports your brand’s growth. It enables publishers to schedule stories, organise them into categories, and conveniently share them on social media.

Looking to enhance your readers’ experience as a publisher? An app could be the key. With Quintype’s Bold CMS, you can effortlessly manage your digital and native content, while React native apps from Quintype enable quick app launches. Apps offer faster updates, reader-friendly features, and the ability to access information even with slow internet speeds. Additionally, updates for both Android and iOS can be run swiftly, integrating seamlessly with readers’ mobile devices to enhance their experience.


When it comes to technology for publishers, having a smart content management system is crucial. A newspaper CMS puts content front and centre, allowing for seamless creation, distribution, and monetisation. It promotes collaboration among teams and ultimately enhances the publishing experience on the digital platform. With plenty of options, finding the most suitable newspaper CMS for your content and brand is essential. The ideal newspaper CMS should offer flexibility, empowerment, control, and scalability for news sites.

Q: Do newsrooms use content management systems (CMS)?

A: Yes, newsrooms utilise CMS to create, curate, and distribute content across print and digital platforms. It is a central platform for content management, providing easier coordination and efficient management.

Q: How can online newsrooms be optimes with Quintype’s Bold CMS?

A: Optimising online newspapers involves tracking site and content analytics to enhance visibility and traffic. Maintaining optimal SEO scores and improving website performance also contribute to better ranking.

Q: How do online newspapers generate revenue using a newspaper CMS?

A: Online newspapers have various revenue streams. Traditionally, publishers relied on advertising revenue, but with online platforms, they can explore subscription revenue, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, memberships, and more.

Q: What are the key features of Quintype’s Bold CMS?

A: Quintype’s Bold CMS offers an exceptional workflow, premium content management experience, omnichannel distribution, scheduled publishing, robust multimedia support, seamless third-party integrations, and a continuously evolving feature list to stay current with industry trends.

Q: What news apps can be developed with Quintype’s Bold CMS?

A: Quintype’s Bold CMS enables the creation of various news apps. Quintype’s React Native apps can help launch an app within days. Content can be seamlessly managed using the Bold newspaper CMS for website and app content.

Q: How does the support cater to digital news publishers?

A: Quintype’s Bold CMS is specifically designed for digital news publishers, with dedicated support for backend operations. Quintype handles much of the technical workload, allowing editorial teams to focus on content creation. The optimised CMS ensures frictionless content publishing on websites.

Q: What is the user interface like?

A: The user interface is user-friendly and intuitive, designed for seamless navigation and action execution with simple clicks. It focuses on streamlining the experience, allowing tasks to be completed quickly and efficiently. Additionally, it supports larger teams and enhances productivity.

Q: How does Quintype’s Bold CMS ensure security?

A: The platform offers top-notch security for online content and safeguards websites from internet threats, providing publishers with peace of mind regarding content protection.

Q: How flexible is Quintype’s Bold CMS?

A: The Quintype’s Bold CMS integrates with third-party solutions, providing publishers the flexibility needed for website growth. It is easy for non-developers to manage and functions as a robust headless CMS.

To launch a digital newspaper, you’ll need a cutting-edge news CMS with 24/7 support. Quintype’s Bold CMS is the ideal solution for creating, curating, and distributing digital newspapers. You can schedule a free demo to experience its capabilities firsthand.

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