
Integrating Kordiam into your existing workflow


Understanding the basics of Kordiam

Kordiam, formerly known as Desk-Net, is a comprehensive content planning tool designed to streamline the workflow of media houses and newsrooms. It offers a suite of features that enable teams to coordinate daily story flows, plan content across multiple days and editions, and manage the complexities of content creation in one central location. By integrating Kordiam with your existing workflow, you can ensure a more organised and efficient approach to content planning and publication. One of the standout features of Kordiam is its Story List, which allows users to manage dozens or even hundreds of stories each day. This feature provides a clear overview of which platforms your stories will run on, their workflow status, publication times, and the team members responsible for each story. Additionally, Kordiam offers custom fields to tailor the tool to your specific audience and user needs, making it a versatile solution for any newsroom. Another key aspect of Kordiam is its ability to facilitate short-term and long-term planning. Whether you need to plan stories over days, issues, or months in advance, Kordiam provides the tools to do so effectively. The monthly content calendar and undated stories feature ensure that you can spot gaps in your plan and take action to fill them, all while keeping your content strategy aligned with your organisational goals.

Steps to integrate Kordiam into your workflow

Integrating Kordiam into your existing workflow involves several key steps. First, it is essential to assess your current workflow and identify areas where Kordiam can add value. This might include streamlining content planning, improving team coordination, or enhancing your ability to manage multiple platforms and publication schedules. Once you have identified the areas where Kordiam can be beneficial, the next step is to set up the tool. This involves configuring Kordiam to match your specific needs, such as creating custom fields for audience targeting, setting up the Story List, and organising your content calendar. During this phase, it is crucial to involve your team members to ensure that everyone understands how to use the tool effectively. After the initial setup, the final step is to integrate Kordiam with your existing content management system (CMS), such as Quintype's Bold CMS. This integration allows you to manage your content more effectively by centralising your planning and publication processes. With Kordiam integrated into your CMS, you can ensure a seamless workflow from content creation to publication, ultimately enhancing your newsroom's efficiency and productivity.

Overcoming common challenges

While integrating Kordiam into your workflow can offer numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges. One common issue is resistance to change from team members who are accustomed to existing processes and tools. To overcome this, it is essential to provide comprehensive training and support to ensure that everyone understands the advantages of using Kordiam and how to use it effectively. Another challenge is ensuring that Kordiam is configured correctly to meet your specific needs. This requires a thorough understanding of your workflow and the ability to customise Kordiam's features to match your requirements. Working closely with a service provider like Fiare Media Tools can help you navigate this process and ensure a smooth integration. Finally, it is important to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of Kordiam in your workflow. This involves regularly reviewing your content planning and publication processes to identify any areas for improvement and making adjustments as needed. By staying proactive and responsive, you can ensure that Kordiam continues to add value to your newsroom over the long term.

Maximizing the benefits of Kordiam integration

To maximise the benefits of Kordiam integration, it is essential to leverage its full range of features. This includes using the Story List to manage daily content flows, custom fields to tailor your planning to specific audiences, and the monthly content calendar to spot gaps and ensure a balanced content mix. By fully utilising these features, you can enhance your content planning and publication processes, ultimately improving your newsroom's efficiency and productivity. Another way to maximise the benefits of Kordiam is to integrate also other tools offered by Fiare Media Tools, such as Roxen for layout automation and Fiare Marketplace solutions. By creating a seamless workflow that incorporates all of these tools, you can ensure a more streamlined and efficient approach to content creation and publication. This integration allows you to manage your content more effectively, from planning and creation to layout and distribution. Finally, it is important to continuously evaluate and optimise your use of Kordiam. This involves regularly reviewing your content planning and publication processes, gathering feedback from your team, and making adjustments as needed. By staying proactive and responsive, you can ensure that Kordiam continues to add value to your newsroom and helps you achieve your organisational goals.